Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My Inspiration for Working with a Goof Figure

I wanted to let everyone know my inspiration for working with a "Goof Figure" was the wonderful Mortimer Snerd. It is wildly known that Mort was Edger Bergen's favorite according to his Wife, Frances.

I have added a picture of Mortimer and Edger for you to see just how fantastic Bergen was with his characters. Forget the lip control. He was a true genius. I really liked Edger's work with Mortimer over his work with Charlie McCarthy. Charlie had a great wit, but Mortimer had an advantage over everyone as he knew excelled in stupidity.

I look forward to doing more performing with my goofs. I owe it all to Edger Bergen and his pal Mortimer Snerd.

Look for my next post on working with an old man figure.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My Brand New Figure from Dan Payes

Sometimes you just have to go for it and I really hit it big with my new figure, "Squirrely Davis."

There are so many possibilites that I can do with this guy it is amazing. He is going to be the hit of any of my shows. I can't wait to get him out there. Just check out the picture to the left.

I believe that "Squirrely" got kicked out of the same church that Tom Cruise belongs to if you know what I mean. Even the Scientology goofs didn't want to take a chance on this dude.

As ususal, Dan Payes hits a home run with this comical guy. The cool eye movements are going to be a real crowd pleaser.