Saturday, January 06, 2007

SquirrelyD.'s Debut

SquirrelyD. made his debut on January 4th at the Topaz Hotel in Washington, DC and I really nailed it this time. The crowd loved it

Squirrely tried to hit on all the ladies in the audience. He was really being fresh and it was embarrassing for me. He was out out of control.

I finally asked him if he had any "special talents" and he replied he did impressions. I asked him if he wanted to do one for the crowd and he Saddam Hussain. Oh Brother. Squirrely, what I am going to do with you?

The sky is the limit with the character and it is only the beginning. I have a lot more planned for Squirrely and I.


Blogger Kenny Croes said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog "Vent Into The Mic". I am a big fan of Dan Payes' figures. They are so interesting and unique. To this point, I haven't used any other toy figure other than Charlie McCarthy for my armature. I'm actually investigating different ways to sculpt a figure without using a Charlie, and without using a casting. But I haven't figured out anything yet. I thought a manequin head might work, but they're larger than I'd like. I bought a foam ball at the craft store, but it sheds, so I don't think that will work either. Until I figure out something, I'll continue to use the Charlies. Any ideas would be appreciated.

By the way, I enjoyed reading your ComicVent blog, too. I will add it to my links on my blog.

Thanks again for your kind response. - Kenny Croes

6:32 PM  

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