Saturday, June 10, 2006

Entertaining at a High School Prom After Party

Last month I entertained at my son's high school after prom party. "Iggy and myself had a great time as you can see in the picture. We did walk arounds for 3 plus hours.

If I can keep one teen from getting behind the wheel late at night and having an accident, then it it worth it to have stayed up all night.

I plan on doing more in the future.

Doing a Routine with a Drunk Figure

I do think that there venues where a routine can be done where the figure has had a little to much to drink with out offending someone. If they are offended they have no business being at an adult show in my opinion.

My character, "Rudy the Drunk," looks an acts the part of someone who has been lapping up the sause a little too much. Even Jeff Dunham's new character, "Bubba J," drinks beer a bit much.

Entertaining with a Country Character

Last Sunday I entertained at my Synogogue's Spring Picnic. I did just a little warm up bit before the kid's games got started and Adults and Children alike seemed to like "M.T. Head" an awful lot.

He is kind of a Mort Character that I finished from a Bill Anderson head and he came out quite good. I kept things a little light for the kids, but he did say his house was stuck out on the road with a busted axle.

There are a lot of ways you can go with a character and this is one of them.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Developing New Character Ideas

People that see me perform with my collection of "cartoons on a stick" often ask me where did I come up with a particular character.

The answer is quite simple in fact. I draw on my experiences with people I have met and experiences from my youth.

For example, the latest character I am working on is based on a fellow that used to come into the family carpet store that I was part of from 1976 -1978. This fellow was kind of a "Nebisha" Government Worker type that reminded me of someone that got a Government Job right after WWll. He was this slight balding fellow with a New York accent and a very bad habit of sucking his teeth to the point I thought that I would loose it. I will call this new fellow "Lester." He is in the works in Dan Payes Workshop. I expect him very soon.

I have material all set including the Spinster Daughter that drives him crazy, but she has had a lot of men in her time, but they are never good enough.

ComicVent is Back with a new improved Blog

I have decided to re-publish a brand new Blog with a focus on Adult themed Ventriloquism to really home in on what appeals to the mature audiences.

Look for new posts every day.